Saturday, February 27, 2010

Roger Ebert

I was planning to save this photo for wordless Wednesday but I was reading his blog this morning
and just couldn't wait until then.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Gym People

2nd gym post in a row. Weird. I'm not really that into it. In fact, it's kind of a drag & I'm always trying to think of new ways to keep psyching myself into going. I ran errands the other day and spent $100 buying crap I don't need just to have a reason to not go. Instead of my originally gung-ho hour upstairs, lately I've been only doing a half hour & struggling at that. If anyone has any mental strategies to help me keep going, please let me know!

Anyway, one of the things I do enjoy is people watching. Everyone checks everyone else out. It's a fact. As soon as a person goes by, just as soon as they can't see that you're looking, we all look. I see people doing it to other people & I know they're doing it to me too. It's okay because I'm doing it to them too. I'm not too self-conscious about people looking at me. I figure I'm a cautionary tale just like Juno. Then I smile inside & remember not to take myself too seriously.

I like going to the gym at the same time everyday because I tend to see the same people & there's something I like about that. It's comforting in some strange way. I went at a different time the other day & I didn't see my people & it was a bummer.

Anyway, here are some of my gym people.

Sweaty lady. Fit and 50ish. She works out hard, mostly on a stair machine. Sweat drips off of her like hot rain. Kind of disgusting but also pretty impressive. You go girl! I would never use a machine right after her & it makes me wonder who's been on my machine before me. Ew!

Older Asian ladies. No one specific, but my gym is full of older Asian ladies. They mostly hang out in the steam room & sauna talking to each other in their own language(s). Sometimes I enjoy hearing it and sometimes I don't. The first or second week I was going there, an older Asian lady fainted coming out of the steam room. It caused quite a commotion. She came to and was seemingly okay afterwards. Anyway, at first I wondered why these women were always rubbing their skin with washclothes in the steam room. It didn't take me long to figure out that they were sloughing off dead skin, a.k.a. exfoliating. Now I do it too. It's kind of gross, I know, but my skin feels fantastic after!

Two young girls (fat friends). These two are totally on my same gym schedule. I see them all the time. We always say hello & are quite friendly and nice to each other. I like them. I hope we all 3 lose a lot of weight!

Gym Obama. He's my #1 gym crush. He's a trainer there. Quite handsome. He looks like an extremely fit Obama maybe 15-20 years ago, hence the nickname. Did I mention he's really good looking? He's nice, too. He showed me how to use resistance cables one day. Sigh...

Gym crush #2. The first time I saw this guy was from a distance. He was wearing a bright green sweatshirt & red sweat pants & I thought he looked fabulous, meaning gay. He's very fit, very tan, sort of short, & has frosted hair. He looked really handsome from afar. Since then I've seen his face up close. Well? He looks like he was probably really good looking 20 or so years ago, before some years of hard living and too much sun. Anyway, he always smiles a hello and seems friendly. I still think I was right about the gay thing.

Also, there's Argentina guy, complaining lady, short guy #2, lonely older guy, friendly front desk girl, and several other regulars who I enjoy seeing. But let me end this blog by mentioning someone I don't think I've ever seen before until this morning. While I was relaxedly bopping around in the pool, I watched a guy in the co-ed sauna who was oblivious to all. He was standing up with his hand down the front of his trunks & he was seriously working out some kind of guy situation down there, just fully going for it for at least like 10 seconds. This was no quick readjustment. Isn't that weird?